Bobby of Twigs Florist, the Events Director for the RIWG, did such an amazing job at spearheading and organizing the event. He donated umpteen hours of time and also went into his pocket and donated financially to this event! Thank you Bobby!
The day consisted of a huge pink fire truck outside the Marriott, a pinup girl on the piano in the lobby, gorgeous table-scape's by Rentals Unlimited, live music by The X Isles Band, 1031 Productions had a live dancing tree, a phenomenal display area by RI's premier wedding professionals and last but not least, an edgy and creative fashion show!
Helene's, Anthony's and Curl Up & Die, put together a fashion show to remember! The show opened with a dancing Tree from 1039, followed by a taste of tastefully sexy lingerie and buff, shirtless firemen ! That was AWESOME !
Thank you to all that made this event possible and donated their time, talents and creativity.

Last but not least, a huge Thank You to the Gloria Gemma Foundation and The Gloria
Gemma "Survivor" Models that participated in the show ! Keep up the FIGHT !
Eloquent Images Presents
"Pictures in Motion" from the Show !